Showing posts with label interior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interior. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Japanesse Decoration In A Frame

Dear all visitors,

HOMELAND FURNITURE offers you various Japanesse Decoration in a frame, every item are manufactured and imported from Japan. Here are the items which we are offer:


Japanesse Decoration (1)
Available: 30 Pieces
IDR 300.000


Japanesse Decoration (2)
Available: 12 Pieces
@ IDR 200.000


Japanesse Decoration (3)
Available: 12 Pieces
IDR 150.000

Special prices for purchasing complete set of decoration. Feel free to Contact Us! whenever you are interested with our Japanesse Decoration.
Thank you.

Best Regards,

Monday, July 4, 2011

Big Sale on Homeland Furniture for Chairs, Table, and Miscellaneous

Dear all visitors,

Just right now! HOMELAND FURNITURE offers you a great deal this month by giving up to 50% discount for all of this following items:


Brown Dining Table With Chairs (1 Set)
Before: IDR 5.500.000  Now: IDR 3.500.000


Round Dining Table With Chairs (1 Set)
Before: IDR 6.000.000  Now: IDR 3.000.000


White Dining Table WIth Chairs (1 Set)
Before: IDR 6.900.000  Now: IDR 3.500.000


Black Chairs (4 Pieces)
Before: IDR 300.000  Now: IDR 700.000


Brown Chairs (4 Pieces)
Before: IDR 300.000  Now: IDR 700.000


Leather Desk
Before: IDR 9.600.000  Now: IDR 4.800.000


Three Story Corner Leather Desk
Before: IDR 6.700.000  Now: IDR 3.350.000

Standing Mirror (3 Pieces)
Before: IDR 8.700.000  Now: IDR 4.350.000

Coat Hanger (2 Pieces)
Before: IDR 8.700.000  Now: IDR 4.350.000


Phone Desk (1 Pieces)
Before: IDR 8.700.000  Now: IDR 4.350.000

Feel free to Contact Us! whenever you are interested with our sofas.
Thank you.

Best Regards,

Big Sale on Homeland Furniture for Sofas and Wing Chair

Dear all visitors,

Just right now! HOMELAND FURNITURE offers you a great deal this month by giving up to 50% discount for all of this following items:


Brando Sofa, 311 Configuration
Before: IDR 8.500.000  Now: IDR 5.000.000


Nataly Sofa, 321 Configuration
Before: IDR 9.500.000  Now: IDR 6.500.000


Brown Wing Chair
Before: IDR 3.900.000  Now: IDR 2.000.000


Green Sofa, 311 Configuration
Before: IDR 7.500.000  Now: IDR 5.000.000


Flower Wing Chair
Before: IDR 3.000.000  Now: IDR 1.500.000

Feel free to Contact Us! whenever you are interested with our sofas.
Thank you.

Best Regards,

Friday, February 25, 2011

New Features, Online Customer Service!

Dear all visitors,

We just have added a new feature to help improving our service to HOMELAND FURNITURE customers. Special Online Customer Service now available for Windows Live Messenger! Look for it on the right side bar of this page. It will let you easily get online conversation with our customer service people.
Thank You.

Best regards,

Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Features, Online Buy Order!

Dear all visitors,

We just have added a new feature to help improving our service to HOMELAND FURNITURE customers. Online Buy Order now available! It will let you easily put buy order to purchase our products.
Thank You.

Best regards,

Monday, February 21, 2011

Homeland Furniture Introduction in English

Dear all visitors,

First of all, we would like to say thank you for visiting our HOMELAND FURNITURE webpage. We are greatly appreciate your visit to our webpage.

As you know, HOMELAND FURNITURE sell furniture products and paintings as well. Our furnitures mainly consists of Chesterfield Leather Sofa from House of Chesterfield U.K. and several local products from Indonesia. In addition to our store, we are also sell twenty-six paintings, created by several Indonesian Maestro Painters and recently owned by Mr. Yudy Rizard.

All prices are in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR). We are only accept furnitures products delivery order within Java Island, but we are accept paintings delivery order to all parts of South East Asia.

All products displayed in HOMELAND FURNITURE webpage are available, unless indicated as sold.

If you have any enquiries about our products, fell free to Contact Us! through the phone or email, and we will be glad to answer all of your question.
Thank you.

Best regards,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Overseas Partner!

Dear all visitors,

HOMELAND FURNITURE have an overseas partner located in Singapore! They sell all kind of furniture products with reasonable price. For further info, please visit their webpage at:
Thank you.

Best regards,

Sofa Chesterfield, Made in England!

Homeland Furniture sebagai agen resmi House of Chesterfield di Indonesia, menjual Sofa Kulit Chesterfield Made In England yang berlokasi di Jakarta, Indonesia. Terdapat 8 set sofa dan 4 buah wing chair dengan model:
a. Clarendon
b. Queens Anne
c. Monk
d. Single Wing Chair

Pilihan Warna:
a. Clarendon: Merah Maroon (321) 1 set, (311) 1 set, dan Hijau Tua (321) 1 set.

b. Queens Anne: Merah Maroon (321) 1 set, (311) 2 set dan Hijau Tua (321) 1 set.

c. Monk: Merah Maroon (311) 1 set.

d. Wing Chair: Merah Maroon 2 buah dan Hijau Tua 2 buah.

Semua sofa berada dalam kondisi baru 100% dengan Sertifikat Asli dari House of Chesterfield, Manchester, U.K.

Jika ingin melihat sofa chesterfield kami, Anda bisa datang ke HOMELAND FURNITURE di Jalan Hidup Baru No. 1, Radio Dalam, Jakarta Selatan (Jalan terusan antara Jalan Radio Dalam dengan Jalan Fatmawati).

Bila berminat dan ingin mendapatkan info-info lainnya seputar berbagai produk furniture kami, Anda dapat mengirim email ke atau bisa menghubungi  nomor HP 08567818965 atas nama Resta, nomor HP 081519989861 atas nama Pak Warno, dan nomor HP 08161323281 atas nama Pak Edo.

Harga dibuka pada Rp. 62.000.000,- untuk set sofa (321) dan Rp. 59.800.000,- untuk set sofa (311) dan Rp. 25.000.000,- untuk wing chair
*Harga dapat berubah sesuai kesepakatan dan keadaan
*Harga tidak termasuk pengiriman diluar Jakarta