Friday, February 25, 2011
New Features, Online Customer Service!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Bargain Buys
New Features, Online Buy Order!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I just saw this DIY upholstered headboard idea on the blog Organized Design. It was too awesome not to share with you. The shape is perfect and what’s even better is that Jen only spent $85 making it. Check out the rest of the story here.
Hollywood Hot Wallpapers, Hollywood Hot unseen Photos, Images & Pictures

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
hello Suzani
World Market has been a long-time favorite of mine as far as home decor stores go. Lately I feel like they have really stepped up their game too. One thing that I’m really loving right now is this Suzani Flat Woven Wool Rug.
The colors are really vibrant and fun but sophisticated at the same time. I could totally see a room designed around this very rug.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Homeland Furniture Introduction in English
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Show and tell
I finally got a chance to take a photo of my family room. There are still so many things that I want to do in here but at least it is presentable.
One of the hardest parts about being a designer is knowing what you would love to do to your own home but not having the means or the time to actually do them. Some things that I’m hoping to do in the near future…
1. Replace the floor lamp in the far corner with a task lamp like this one.
2. I purposely didn’t show the end table on the other side of the sofa. You can only see the tip of the corner in the pic. It needs to be replaced, along with the light fixture that is sitting on it. I want to replace it with something like this table from Wisteria.
And this lamp from Ballard Designs.
3. I also need to fluff up the bookshelves with new accessories.
The list of “things to do” goes on and on. I’m hopeful that I can get everything done sooner than later. We’ll see how that goes. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now and an even tighter budget due to the little one that’s on the way.
I hope you all will have a lovely, sunshiny weekend! This weekend Billy and I will be spending some time in Huntsville with my Mom. I can’t wait to see her and my brother. See you all next week.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What's in my Bag???
Miley Cyrus Hot, Miley Cyrus Wallpaper, Miley Cyrus Images, Pics
Miley Cyrus Is An American Child Actress. Miley Cyrus Is Also A Singer And Songwriter. Miley Is One Of My Favorite Actress And Singer. She Is Famous For Starring As Miley Stewart In "Hannah Montana" Series On The Disney Channel. Here Is Some Beautiful, Hot And New Sexy Wallpaper Of Miley Cyrus, American Actress Miley Cyrus Hot Photo, Miley Cyrus Sexy Images, Miley Cyrus Hot Pics, Miley Cyrus Hot Pictures.

Monday, February 14, 2011
Tweet Tweet
I’ve been struggling to figure out what to put over my fireplace that is in the new nursery. I wanted something very cool and unique because the wall that the fireplace is on is really small and not very interesting.
While shopping in West Elm I found the absolute perfect cluster of items. First I found these precious ceramic bird houses.
Then I found these adorable little paper birds.
I’m planning to attach the birdhouses to the wall with simple hooks like these.
And on top of each hook I’m going to put house numbers like the one below. Proabably 1, 2 & 3.
The cute birdie will be perched on top of an upside down square toothbrush holder from this white laquer West Elm collection.
I was hoping to be able to get this collage up on the wall over the weekend, but I spent too much time shopping for the nursery. Whoopsie! I plan to have it up soon though.