Monday, March 14, 2011

Why higher education never can lead to better jobs for all

Among many good reason in the ongoing Arab revolution such as freedom, was also one wrong reason - more jobs for all those young ones with higher education.

According to CNN in Egypt alone some 60% of the population are young ones 30 yrs and below. Many with high school or college - but missing jobs. This situation is similar in many other countries. The misconception in our modern world is that avoiding to work by extending school time and increasing education. In late teenage years young men and women keep going to school for another several years hoping higher school education automatically leads to higher paid jobs, better or easier jobs.

There are millions of very basic jobs that need to be done by all, no matter how many degrees and diplomas you accumulate. In a healthy human society, there might be more than 90% of all important needs of life that only can be fulfilled by real workers. Life starts with work. Most of these jobs are dirty, hard, dangerous. Most of your modern high tech society never could exist without those willing to do all these jobs.

Read the full original article to learn why higher education never can lead to better jobs for all from my Blog Secrets of Love - Solutions of Love from the Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God and Love

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